Thanks to all who were at the joyous celebration of WHRB’s 75th, and to the many who were there in spirit. Over 400 attended, with representation going back as far as the class of 1943!

We’ve had many excited responses and have been discussing all the great suggestions you’ve made, including other ways of gathering together alumni from different classes. Already inside this site we’ve posted photos from the 75th, available within this website, and enabled you to purchase T-shirts and other mementos from the event. Coming soon: downloadable videos, sound files, and much more.

We can’t do all of this at once, so please bookmark this website and check back regularly. We’ll also e-mail you when we have major postings.

Meanwhile we are grateful that so many of you have offered to contribute financially to the station in the wake of the 75th. The donation page will give you instructions for using postal mail or a credit card.

We also hope you’ll help expand WHRB’s historical record. Please upload to this site anything you have of historical interest – photos, sound files, scans of paper items, and recollections or anecdotes from your years. We intend to organize an online history of the station, and your participation is essential and welcome.

Free offer: We have a limited supply of old Program Guides going back some 40 years. Let us know if you’d like any or all from your era and we’ll mail them out. We have most issues, though not all, but do give us time to assemble those you request.

Again, thanks for your interest in staying in touch with WHRB and with your alumni friends. Let us know anything we can do to be of help in this through the contact page. We love hearing from you.

More to come!

The WHRB 75th Organizing Committee